Three Books For Your Bookshelf on International Business

Yes, I know this is the age of the digital book. But there is still room to have a few essential books within reach. Besides the pleasure of having a physical book with an index page that you can scan with one glance, there is the other recognition that Mr. Google doesn’t always give you the right answers. So, I recommend that professionals in international business keep these three books on their shelves behind their desks:

Kiss Bow or Shake Hands by Terri Morrison and Wayne Conaway (Adams Media 2005).

This is the bible for anyone in international business. The book lists business etiquette for more than 60 countries. A typical chapter includes information on history, politics, business culture, protocol and negotiating styles. This will help you understand where your business partner is coming from and why they do the “crazy” things they do. More importantly, it will help avoid making major gaffes. I remember the instructor I had in protocol when I joined the US State Department saying “A good diplomat is never unintentionally rude.” The same is true for a businessperson – you should always be the welcoming and correct partner.
Is this foolproof? No, there are always subtleties to another culture that just can’t be summarized in a book. But I’ve read closely the countries where I have lived or work and the information is pretty much right on.

Dictionary of International Trade by Edward G. Hinkelman, (World Trade Press 2010)

This is another essential book to have around. It not only defines commonly used INCO terms, it has information on topics like:
• Shipping information (air and sea)
• Documentation requirements
• International standards (ISO’s)
• Security requirements by country
• Key terms and words in eight languages
• Resources for shippers, and
• Much more
The Dictionary should be in every shipping office of every company.

The Little Red Book of China Business by Sheila Melvin, 2007, (Sourcebooks, Inc.).

As the Chinese market continues to open up in the West, the opportunities for you and your business are endless. But so are the opportunities for making the wrong move, saying the wrong thing and unknowingly jeopardizing your business in this market. I recommend The Little Red Book of China Business because it provides a unique approach to understanding the Chinese business culture by unlocking an essential key: The current generation of Chinese businesspeople grew up with the lessons and teaching of Mao’s Little Red Book, and these lessons guide their action in business and culture. If you don’t understand Mao and the Little Red Book, you don’t understand China business.
Sheila Melvin walks you through the key lessons of the Little Red Book, unlocking business and strategy secrets along the way. There are a number of books on doing business in China, but this one is unique in making the complex world view of the Chinese businessperson understandable to us in America.

— Chris Lynch