Social media is a strategic tool to build business and communities. The CiViC 180 team has experience creating content and managing social media campaigns.

The International Business Accelerator ( is the leading program in the US to develop globally focused companies from the get-go. The IBA has in-person cohort training, soft-landing services for international companies wanting to set up business in the Los Angeles area and online business acceleration programs.
The key to a vital community is retaining and supporting the growth of existing companies. We help you develop a systematic approach to reaching these businesses so their brands are rooted in your community. When they identify with you, they are more likely to stay.

Our goal is to create programs last for years to come. To this end, we work with you to create sustainable funding streams. This ensures your programs not only continue running, but also create a long-term return on your investment.

Tourism supports jobs and enhances the image of the community. That ethnic restaurant or golf course can be an attractive destination. CiViC 180 with its expertise in PR and social media can devise strategies to make your community noticed!
Where will your next generation of companies come from? We can help you develop them from the entrepreneurs in your community. We focus on developing the entrepreneurial ecosystem by mobilizing and coordinating the efforts of existing organizations (SBDC’s, SCORE, colleges/universities, angel investors, etc.) and adding programs (like structured mentoring, business accelerators or business plan competition) that cover gaps in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem.